
Always the real Thing

Appenzell Bench

Appenzell the Original

After sightseeing Appenzell's hillsides, head into town for a refreshing glass of Appenzell beer and taste the different flavors of cheeses.  Appenzell is strongly committed to its traditions and customs.  It's the Switzerland you've always imagined.

Appenzell Train
Appenzell Train Station
Appenzell Morning
Appenzell Town entrance
Appenzell Cliffs
Appenzell Look Out
Appenzell Hiking Trail
Appenzell Landscape
Appenzell Look out
Appenzell Town
Zunfthaus Zu Appenzell
Appenzell Town a river goes thru it
Asher Mt. Hotel/Restaurant
Asher Mountain Hotel/Restaurant
Appenzell Cave
Traveler's Rest Cabin
Appenzell Cave
View from Gondola
Appenzell Cafe
Appenzell Bridge
Bazar Hershe